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The Start to Something Frightening

First, a quick thank you to everyone who has supported my work thus far.

It’s incredible meeting (often virtually) so many readers and authors who love and support great independent writing. We really are living in a revolution within the publishing industry, where gatekeepers are a thing of the past, for better or worse. Does it mean a lot of garbage gets published now – unedited works written in a matter or weeks with little to no originality to them?


But it also means we get gems like Hugh Howey’s Silo Series and Andy Weir’s The Martian. Joe Hart is a recent independent author I’ve discovered in the past two years, whose books are now making waves and who is finally getting the credit he deserves. Look at Blake Crouch, Joe Konrath, and a host of others. It means those crazy enough to commit their lives and sacrifice their time to see their unique visions put to paper can more easily release it to the masses, at which point its for us to judge as readers and lovers of fiction.

But it’s also a little frightening.

What if your work is rejected? What if no one cares that you’ve published something new? What if what you’ve poured the last year or two of your life into disappears beneath a wave of other titles, never rising to the surface?

These are the questions that keep us authors up at night.

But ultimately we continue because not only do we seek praise and accolades, or an audience who will discover and hopefully enjoy our work, but we are addicted to the process itself. The act of creating. Of seeing an idea grow into something more than you could imagine. And so we start the process over again.

My past year and a half has produced a new work, something very different than my debut novel, Housebroken. It’s the start of a series born of a single question:

What if a “god-like” being started the process of the Creation over again, but in its own image.

I’ve set the novel in the Amazon rainforest in Venezuela, filling it with a cast of characters that have come alive on the page. What I find most interesting about this novel is how its changed from being a big concept, idea-driven plot to a truly character-driven series. And the choices some of these characters make have been difficult to even write.

Tagged as a supernatural thriller, this series is a blend of suspense and military action; fantasy, sci-fi, horror, the occult – it’s got a little of everything in it.

And yes, as with all of my writing, it’s a little dark.

For a limited time, you can catch the first chapter – a novella-length work – for FREE by signing up for my newsletter!

In The Beginning is being released on Amazon for .99, a deal for a hundred page plus novella.

The Creation, which includes both the first and second chapter in the series, will be available for pre-order at the discounted price of $2.99 through the month of August. It will be released Sept 1st.

Here’s the blurb for both…

Deep in the jungles of the Venezuelan Rainforest, a dying phytopharmacologist has begun a search that could change the fate of humanity forever. Joining depraved scientists and ruthless mercenaries, he seeks to overcome humanity’s one common enemy: Mortality.

Meanwhile, plans have been laid by an eco-revolutionary group, led by rebel Faye Moanna, to put an end to the illegal deforestation taking place in the Amazon. But her true motives may compromise much more than their sociopolitical agenda.

Because a frightening power is stirring in the Amazon, an event beginning that only occurred once in the history of the Earth – during its process of Creation. And it will take more than tenacity and ingenuity to survive the coming seven days.

So for those of you looking to start something a little frightening, this series is an excellent place to begin. I’m excited to finally release it and will most likely be frightened right alongside you, though for very different reasons.

The Creation is coming, and the world may never be the same.

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